The new Wexford Garda Station was a project which we tendered for and successfully won back in October 2015.

This was a large scale civil engineering project which took up 18 months to complete as per programme. We had a crew of 10 working on this project full-time over the project duration.

We faced many challenges with this project as it was not a green field site to being with. It was previously a grain store with decades long service lines and old buildings within the site that we had to perform demolition on. Due to our expertise and experience we were able to overcome these challenges.

When we first arrived on the site we carried out top soil removal and performed a reduced level dig as there was a lot of soil (3000 loads) to remove from the site. Next for the piling process, we installed a piling mat to support the piling rig and once the piles were installed we cropped them to the required height.

Following this, we added backfill to the floors and applied Voltex waterproofing membrane along with insulation as per the required regulations.

We then moved on to site services and drainage management before filling areas up for road makeup. We installed kerbing and timber edgings to the garden walkways before wrapping up with a complete tidy up.

I was extremely pleased to look back at the project when it was finished being able to say that myself and my team were involved in this project.

Garda Síochána Logo



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